Used when someone refers to an idiot who says stupid shit every time they talk.
Can also be referred to in context of the Southpark episode where Cartman demonstrates how to eat with your butt and poop out your mouth, literally.
You need to stop talking. It's like you poop out your mouth every time you open it.
You see that episode of Southpark where Cartman pooped out of his mouth?
by drdra February 8, 2008
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The phenomenon of emanating sounds that closely resemble those made while shitting; while in fact urinating. These sounds will resemble the notorious “shitgrunt” and will be accompanied by heavy breathing. The driving factor behind the occurrence of this phenomenon could be the overwhelming feeling of pleasure that comes with urinating or could stem from the pain and difficulty associated with an enlarged prostate.

see also: pee out your poop.
" You need to have a prostate exam, your beginning to poop out your pee"
by scrumhalf86 February 5, 2010
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When you drink too much, you may poop out your mouth at the end of the night.
by Picard March 30, 2006
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Usually used to confuse someone, or degrade them, by saying that they are the poop the come out of my ass.

Phrase founded by a n00b on zenhexand now used by many.
Person1: Why do you not like me?
Person2: Poop the come out of my ass.

Person1: I luv GC!!!
Person2: Poop the come out of my ass.

Person1: Are you listening?
Person2: Poop the come out of my ass.

by Shimmer March 7, 2005
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The act of an elephant taking a diarrhea shit or a shart and it coming out of their trunk
by weenis boi 74 August 1, 2021
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