The mysterious person who fouls the third floor restaurant at 200 Park Ave in Florham Park, NJ. The Phantom may have some dietary issues when he takes a Winnick
Apparently the Phantom was in the restroom because it smells like something died
by Chosney July 14, 2003
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when u use the cloak of darkness to make your excape from a sexual interlude that is bound to be akward once the morning comes and the booze wears off
heather pulled a phantom and crept toward the door, weary of waking the gentleman snoring in the bed
by elle March 15, 2005
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An individual who is so insignificant they are a mere apparition.
by Davie January 10, 2003
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A word used to describe a poo which leaves no trace on the rectum. A poo which has such a clean exit from the anus that toilet roll is not necessary.
Jon: Just did a phantom, it was so awesome I didn't even need to wipe.


Ryan: I was praying for a phantom because I was in a rush but that was one messy poop, trying to wipe my ass was more difficult than getting peanut butter out of a carpet.
by Patrick Bateman October 14, 2011
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you bang a girl in front of a living room window and you have your friend sneak up and take your place...then you go outside and make ur hands into a batman mask and jump in front of the window and then when she realizes and looks back your friend has the batman mask on too
Jackie Leung got phantomed by her boyfriend and his best friend.
by jackie leung February 7, 2007
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when making bow-chika-wow-wow with a girl you pull out and spit on her back and when she turns around you blow your load on her face
by Josh McEntire January 22, 2003
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The miracle that is: when you take a shit and you don't need to wipe
Holy Fuck!! I just took a shit and there was only one piece of toilet paper left. But it's cool because it was a phantom
by Eamo420 February 20, 2011
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