Another way to write the word fam, for people that are trying too hard.
Thanks, pham you really are down with the homies.
by acgonnagurxyou April 5, 2020
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The name for a person that is a Fan of danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil
The member of the Phandom/Phamily
Phandom Member 1: "lol"
Phandom Member 2: "Hey fellow Pham!"
by PhilsGrassFlops April 3, 2016
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A name anyone whose first name is "Alex" should go by.
person 1: I am going to beat you up, Alex.

Alex: "Pssht, no one beats up "The Pham!"
by cherrycherrycherrybanana August 22, 2010
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Refers to an article of clothing that is entirely too small for the individual wearing it; i.e. A "pham shirt" or "pham pants". 'Pham' derives from 'fam', as in 'family', referring to the fact that the article of clothing belongs to a younger or smaller family member.
"Wow, look at Luke's pham shirt! He's probably trying to show off his biceps for Janie, what an arse."

"Dude, nice pham khakis. God, they come halfway up your shins!"
by xCyn1cal November 21, 2013
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Pulling a Pham, is when you solve an aggressive road rage incident with violence, typically using a large battery or a brick as a projectile
Man, this cunt was riding my ass on the highway, so i had to Pham him with a 7ah battery
by SHDW Boxing November 30, 2020
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Fake friends. People who say you are fam, but are really not. Implying the ph, or the fake term of fam.
OMG me and Melissa are Pham. She totally cheated on my boyfriend!
by TYRONE! April 17, 2016
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