when you and somebody else are trying to burn each other and you want to be more original than to make a your mum comeback and you just think of something like either bitch, dickhead, gay, homo head, fucktard or penis-breath.
"Call 1300-I-AM-A-RETARD and push the 'little pink button' because you really need to visit the Mental Health Hotline. You would be gone for a couple of days and it would really suit us all."
"At least I'm intelligent enough to use a phone."
"Yeah well you have penis-breath!"
"Was that an out-of-the-blue insult?"
"Yeah I think it was."
by Kamikaze Watermelon January 16, 2009
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when your high school forces you to get up in front of your class or in some cases entire school to recite a shitty poem regardless of social anxiety or not. Symptoms occur when you did a horrible job from shaky movements, horrible eye contact, and forgotten lines resulting in a buzz that makes you want to vomit and die.
Person 1: How did you do in the Poetry Out Loud?
Person 2: Not too good man. I got the Poetry Out Loud PTS Blues.
Person 1: I do too. Wow our high school hates us.
by Refreshelover83 December 20, 2017
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