HEROIN - a white, crystalline, narcotic powder, C21H23NO5, derived from morphine, formerly used as an analgesic and sedative: manufacture and importation of heroin are now controlled by federal law in the U.S. because of the danger of addiction.
"Drip-drip's the sound that the needle makes when nothin' but that heroin trickles out the tip of it."
by Nahmien August 25, 2006
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How distilled watah moves when it's being made
The boiling water is drip drippin into distilled drippness.
by Dreep September 15, 2018
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- man1= you gots the monke drip drip boiiii
- man2= thanks g
by monke drip boi January 18, 2022
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A special day when you wear your drippiest clothes. Also know as Drip Drop Tuesday. Drip will be judged by the Drip gods.
Drip Drip Tuesday- The Most Special Day Of The Week Where You Wear Your Finest Drip.

“Yo Noah are you gonna wear drop on drop drop Tuesday?”
“Fuck yeah”
by Theat August 26, 2019
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When your girl is Cumming so much that there is nothing left and it's just drip dripping and wet wet
Yeah me and Janet f*cked so hard last night I left her drip drip wet wet
by Drip drip wet wet October 15, 2018
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secret code meaning "i have a crush on you"
"How did you know she liked you?"
"She texted me 'drip drip daddy orange juice', so now we're dating."
by Les Garçons Chaud April 23, 2019
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