The act of signing offline immediately upon being sent an instant message by someone you don't want to talk to. This can also be done abruptly in the middle of a convo as if to say "piss off, I'm done".
Dude #1: "Yo, that really annoying chick is IMing me again! what should i say?"

Dude #2: "Nothing, Offline the bitch"
by Sir Edward Heavypants August 13, 2009
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when someone you are talking to online on facebook chat or msn etc goes offline in the middle of a conversation without saying bye.
cheers for offlining me dude!
by dramaqueen94 March 31, 2011
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people who watch streams when the streamer isn't live
hey did you watch the karl jacobs stream last night?
no, i was going to watch the vid today, couldn't catch the stream
god, you're one of those offliners
by ichor_ March 11, 2021
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A person who has no idea about anything and has never tried to understand.

Person says:
I tried to tell him how to work the computer but he plainly refused. He thinks its too hard. He's offline.

by VICKI KARMA November 11, 2006
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A question that could have been answered by the person asking it, had they've asked themselves first.

Both the question is offline and the person!
What time is it?

Um...What's that thing your wearing on your wrist, a watch or a ticking time bomb!!

I forgot i was wearing it...sorry i was offline for a second then. Im back on now though.
by VICKI KARMA November 11, 2006
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One who has yet to embrace the use of IM, microblogging, commenting, etc. as a means of communications and "social" relationship building.
My friend isn't on Twitter yet. Total offliner...
by juicecowboy August 19, 2009
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You are offline
You are offline
by JDMac12 June 7, 2019
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