when there's someone on your boat that there shouldn't be, the only logical course of action is to don an Irish accent and attempt to reason with them, asking them to get off your boat. If this fails you must get your Jamaican friend and force them off your boat.
Get off me boat. I said get off me boat. Right, I'll be getting my Jamaican friend now.

RASCLAT. why you on me boat mon?
by Swenson Bevel September 28, 2008
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refering to a black person who does whatever a white person tells them to do. sometimes concidered a "slave".
Look at dat nigga ova there cuttin' whitey's lawn. Dat nigga is fresh off da boat.
by J-Masta November 4, 2006
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This expression is used from another asian who doesn't like a fob.
Similar to how a person says "vamoose" or "leave now"
Yo bitchass f.o.m.b. (fuck off my boat)
Meaning...get the hell otta here!)
by MaStA Chi February 23, 2007
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