Post Oak Middle School, a school in Spotsylvania Virginia where kids think you can get high off of snorting pixie sticks. Kids that go to Post Oak probably won't graduate and a majority of them have been held back multiple years. Ever wonder why the 6th grade boys have fully grown facial hair? Well now you know. Some of them are older then the 8th graders. Kids at this school are so stupid that they can't even pass a test when they're using a study guide with the exact questions and answers that are on the test. Occasionally, a 6th grader may arrive with a small bit of intelligence, but this is soon corrupted by the smell of e-cigarettes when entering the bathroom. The school tries to talk about how they're one of the best schools in the county when really they came in 6th place overall. 6th place out of 7? 6th place in what? If you're about to go to Post Oak Middle School, I wish you luck in your next 3 (or 5) years in hell.
"Why does your kid always keep an entire bag of pixie sticks with him?"

"He goes to Post Oak Middle School"
by failing chem March 11, 2022
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a middle school with druggies problematic rich white girls and a whole bunch of teacher that are pedos.Don’t forget the kids that are drunk kids on campus.Boring school but petty cat fights happen every now and then
Granite oaks middle school has the most basic white girls on the planet who think there the stuff.
by big penetrator May 17, 2021
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“What school do you go to?”
Live oak

Oop..”. - live oak middle school
by Sksksjsksksk June 23, 2019
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A middle school. Like many schools, students attending there normally travel in large packs or small groups. However, there will most likely be a few loners wandering around the school campus.
If you lie low enough, you won't notice the inherent chaos.
Quimby Oak Middle School is nice.
by ellipsisdotdotdot May 8, 2011
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A school where rich white girls cry over the stupidest things and guys that live in the suburbs act tough
Granite Oaks Middle School

sucks ass
by Splez December 28, 2022
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Dumb ass school full of dumb ass teachers. Illiterate teachers make the classes even harder, and the principal wonders why 46% of the kids fail their classes. Most kids from Post Oak go to Spotsy High School, which is almost the exact same. Post Oak is also full of fake bitches, rednecks, etc.
Wow, you went to Post Oak Middle School? They suck.
by hotcheetos60420 November 16, 2018
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A middle school in Spotsylvania, Virginia where kids are pot heads, rednecks, fake & dramatic. This school is also known for its bomb threats, fights & drug deals.
Bob: “Where does your kid go to school?”

Sammy: “Post Oak Middle School”

Bob: “You mean that shitty drug dealing school?”

Sammy “Yep”
by sammy_bob2.0 April 12, 2019
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