When someone is a screw up or messes up. Commonly mistaken as other unholy acts.
Kid 1:(messes up). Kid 2: you are such a Nutter Butter!
by K A E L I E🔥 October 29, 2019
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The collection of various body fluids excreted through the skin and penis that has collected in a jock strap. After weeks of "non-washing", a pale yellow build-up forms known as "nutter butter".
Damn when was the last time you washed that? It's all crusty with nutter butter!
by SqeezyCheez December 17, 2002
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A light skinned person of brown skinned heritage. They're "nutter butters" because they're brown on the inside, but cracker on the outside.
My secretary is Hispanic, but she's a nutter butter.
by Evelyn Gray December 11, 2009
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Crazy, psycho, or otherwise off your rocker. Usually over some dude who totally isn't worth it.
I had one too many car bombs last night and am pretty sure I left Chas some crazy, rambling voicemail message about the demise of our relationship - now he probably thinks I'm totally nutter butters.
by kittykittybangbang March 10, 2010
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The sexual act of rubbing peanut butter on a male's testicles, his nuts, and having another person lick it off.
by NateDogHou November 10, 2011
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The nutter butter is a delicious, kinky, and nutritious sexual act given by a woman to a man. The nutter butter happens when a man spreads peanut butter on his 'junk' and then proceeds to place it into his partners' mouth. He then MUST nut (a.k.a. skeet, jizz, cum, and the like) into her mouth. Hence, the nutter butter.
I gave that slut last night a nutter butter. The peanut butter from my dick, was sticking to the roof of her mouth, so I washed off with mah jizz.

Woman: "Peanut butter is my favorite! =D"
Man: "Then you would love a nutter butter!"
by Rezaerection July 3, 2010
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A weak and lame individual. A nobody who doesn’t matter. Someone who is fake, a show boat who can’t deliver. All bluster
by P drizzle October 20, 2017
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