Mom jeans are high-waisted denims cut wide to accommodate the ample hips, thighs and posteriors of American mothers too busy driving their kids to soccer games to find time for a personal trainer.
Mom jeans are designed for people looking more for comfort than style.
by NewGillman February 22, 2012
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Another way of abbreviating marijuana to thwart off nosy assholes who know what "mary jane" means.
I've gotta hide my mom jeans in the dresser before my parents get!
by Chronically0nline November 26, 2014
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(adj) something that was once cool but has become so popular it's now uncool.
Dude: My mom just added me on Facebook! She barely knows how to use a computer.
Friend: I know, Facebook is so mom jeans.
by calmebob February 17, 2009
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The classic pair of jeans commonly found on mothers over the age of 35. They are pulled up around 4 inches above the navel, and an overly accessed amount of butt room. Because these pants are pulled so high, the legs of their jeans end around 1inch above the ancle.
Good Friend: Alissa... Are you wearing Mom Jeans?
Alissa: All my clothes were in the wash! This is so embarrassing. And they aren't just Mom Jeans.. They are the Stereotypical Mom Jeans!
Good Friend: Roll up the bottoms to look like capris.. I guess you should wear a long T-shirt too..
by Lexa1 May 2, 2007
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The jeans/pants (typically skin tight) hot moms wear that are either fringed, hemmed, or cuffed a few inches above the ankle, and frequently worn with angle boots.
Gee dang, look at the Hot Mom Jeans (HMJ’s) Stacy’s mom is wearing!
by trice1996 February 24, 2022
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Moms who think there young, wannabe teenagers.
Moms that are turning into "consumer doppelgangers" of their children, shopping in teen stores so as to mimic the identities of their teenage children.
"Mom, you are not shopping at Hollister!" Amber says to her mother. "Moms don't shop at Hollister. You are too old for this store. OMG, I can't believe you are buying something here, you're such a teen jeans mom."
Lady to another lady - "That lady over there looks just like her daughter" Other lady - "She must be one of those teen jeans mom's" -
by Alone Art September 15, 2013
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