Often confused with the culinary tool, the melon baller is a man who prefers having sex with breasts rather than other traditional methods; such as the vagina, butthole or ones own hand.
‘Yo, is that Rory and his baby?’
Naaa, that’s that MelonBaller Cory, he’s never gonna have a baby cause he only bangs the breasts’
by DUKEJOHN October 12, 2019
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(Mel-un-Bawl Ti-tee-Bawlz) -noun

1. A Latina milf's fake breasts.
This was the first Latina i've seen in Morton Grove in years, she must have been looking for a Taco Bell. I haven't seen fake titties in my life, except for on pornos. I starting to feel on her Melonball-Tittyballs, they were fake as fuck.
by aCrazySummerAfternoon December 1, 2010
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