A great leader. Creater of the Communist and Socialist Philosophy, whose Ideas spread to many great nations. Ex. Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, North Korea, Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, etc.
That man was a Lenin.
by Calvin and Devin February 18, 2004
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One of the greatest and most brilliant revolutionaries in human history who created the first socialist state based on Marx's theories. Possibly the most influential person of the 20th century.
Lenin is the shining beacon of hope and the symbol of human liberation to every proletariat across the world.

Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live!
by OM3N June 26, 2004
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The best man to live no debate.
Lenin went and single handedly hanged all the bourgeois
by Lizardfreak February 6, 2018
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A nice , cool , loves basket ball kinda boy he gives a good impression and is very nice he thinks bad things about himself that aren’t true AT ALL , he is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, he isn’t ugly or fat. the guy with the ultimate penis
“OMG what a huge Lenin"
by ThatGuyPalUnotThatGuy August 25, 2021
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A Great Man who started the Communist Revolution in Russia, also one hardcore mother fucker, shot twice and had 3 strokes before he died, you gotta be hardcore to live thru that. One day he will rise from the dead and slay the Capitalist opressive government of America and possibly Europe.
Lenin 0wns you mother fucker
by Hyde June 23, 2004
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It only means socialism, are you Lenin and I need to explain to you how does the Not USA works?
by [SL March 11, 2019
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The type of man who kisses girls unintentionally. Specifically a guy who needs glassses but is too lazi to get them

In japanese referred too a baka.
Lenin is a pure idiot. Gets all the gorls who have a Nani Eye Profile pic.
by BigMistakeYouMade November 18, 2019
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