-Bay Area way to describe as an adjective something extreme.
My Jordans is dumass clean.
by Leemo79 September 28, 2006
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Someone who is such a complete dumbass, that they should have a PhD in being retarded. Dumass is one letter short of Dumbass, which makes it funnier when they don't realize what you're talking about.
Dr. Dumass over there, pranked called her school from her home phone without using *67.
by Lee Baker November 7, 2006
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It is a person that was a dumass then wasent now is again it may also be said as an insult like retard boy.
Jim: I remember when i was a dumass now im not those were the days but then again i shit in peoples cars for fun.

Jacob: Wow your stupid if u still do that even after 4 years then your a re dumass
by Stefan.B September 3, 2009
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Why are you looking up things you alwredy know–
Anyways, that is you, you mother fuck :)
A 'normal' persone: What did you do last night??
Y/n: I ate rocks and took drugs
A 'normal' persone: Your chuct a dumass-
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Lil Dumass is the most quality SoundCloud rapper in the rap game. He has been invited to multiple musical award shows but turned them down along with an xxxtentacion feature.
" Dude did you listen to that new Lil Dumass song." -James
" Yeah but I wish he would stop letting that trash nigga raggythesavage feature on his songs."-Rey
by bishniggaalert June 7, 2019
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