refers to accepting something blindly without thought or criticism.
Linked with Cults and mass poisonings.

The phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid” refers to followership at its worse. It was coined after a delusional, pseudo-guru named Jim Jones led his cult, the Peoples Temple, to mass suicide. Over 900 people, including 304 children, killed themselves by drinking from a vat of grape-flavored drink laced with cyanide.
p1: "Wanna start a cult?"
p2: "I'm not drinking the kool-aid"

p1: "Dinosaurs could all fly and were secretly dragons"
p2: "Wow you really drank the kool-aid huh?"
by NovaTheGreatAndPowerfulCult January 13, 2020
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To blindly follow and support a cause, sports team, religion, protest, political figure, etc. without first looking into it or researching it
Example 1:
Mike: So who did you vote for in this past presidential election??

Jim: I voted for Obama!!

Mike: Why? Was it his promise for change? His economic policies?

Jim: Huh? ohhh no I just did it because everyone else did.

Mike: Jim..dude, stop drinking the kool-aid.

Example 2:

Roxanne: Brian, I've noticed you go to church quite a bit lately, how come??

Brian: Ohhh Roxanne its simple really, if you don't go to church people won't like you.

Roxanne: You know nothing about religion do you? Not one thing...Lemme guess your doing it because you just want people to look at you in a good way?

Brian: Nope not one thing and yup pretty much

Roxanne: Brian.....Stop drinking the kool-aid

Example 3:

Max: Ohhhh my god, why does ESPN always have to talk about Charlie Weis and Notre Dame!?!?!?

Jack: Well he is a decent coach and they are a good team?

Max: Since when?? Weis sucks as a coach and Notre Dame is overrated due to their schedule and pure talent

Jack: Well ESPN says they're good

Max: Stop drinking the kool-aid , get off the bandwagonand take off those rose colored glasses.
by Dennys menus September 25, 2009
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Assimilate into the upper eschelons of corporate culture, at the expense of your soul.
Jack is really trying to get ahead at work. He doesn't hang out with the rest of the slackers, any more. I think he's been drinking the kool-aid.
by Duh!Vinci August 24, 2006
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Comes from a religious mass suicide from poisoned kool-aid. When people are going to a meeting of a controversial group, they are sometimes warned not to drink the kool-aid
Oh, you're becoming a scientologist? That's ok, just don't drink the kool-aid.
by bob. November 24, 2004
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A idiomatic phrase that refers to an unsubstantiated but strongly argued opinion that is rejected outright as being held by a person or persons that is under the effect of a hallucinogenic drug. Kool-Aid spiked with LSD is the root from where this late 1960’s early 1970’s phrase originated.
If you think that the president will be impeached because of his inappropriate activities with women, then you’ve been drinking the kool-aid.
by BB2DP April 12, 2018
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One specific form of the more general term drink the kool-aid. Please refer to that definition for a more complete understanding.
by Nugget April 26, 2005
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