WW2 and Vietnam era military term for a once or many times USED condom.
Person that is sleasy and untrustworthy because he keeps reusing the dirt bag.
Also known as a scum bag.
Johnnys used that same condom again on Connie. I'd never use a dirt bag on my girl.
by leothelump March 21, 2013
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The eqivalent of having a dirt stach on a guy's sac
Ya know Jenny, Kenny has a got a dirt bag.
Really? I was told he shaved that off last week.
by LittleMinion August 29, 2008
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a Bag full of your shit that comes out of your ass which is called brownies
Thats something you see almost everyday
by jack June 22, 2004
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the act of putting testicles into a butt hole, pulling them out and having the recipant put them in thier mouth
"Man I want to mississppi dirt bag that butt and mouth."
"Dude that is dirty and bad morals."
by hatertator88 November 2, 2009
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When you cover your cock with dirt, and put a bag over it (acts as a poor mans condom) and fuck anally.
The doctor told Laura that her butthole was infected because of the dirt from the Seattle Dirt Bag.
by analvagina December 7, 2013
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