I took this picture with my new digi.
by Yashar April 13, 2005
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Digi (digicore) is known as one of the most amazing ,perfect and funniest people in the world..hes very caring and always has your back and if you need someone to talk to hes always there ..makes ur day so much better 1 msg from him literally will change your day up and make you have a smile on ur face .. honestly deserves the world!!!! >_< ( digi#9057 )
i love digi so much , digi is mine and he deserves the world!!
by his ❤️ April 30, 2021
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Digital friends.

People from around the world that you otherwise would never have ever gotten to know without the miracle of online communication.
All my best friends are Digies who live inside the internetz.
by ElGranto June 11, 2011
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Digi digi The act of pleasuring oneself within the confinement of their motor vehicle
Mike: Jessica wasn't down to have sex that night.
Jamal: What did do?
Mike: I just stayed in the car and pulled a digi.
by KashK November 30, 2007
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The master of Urban dictionary. A loyal friend to the end who will stay by your side.
Friend 1: Man digi was very nice
Friend 2: Yeah he never does any wrong
by Eboysushiroll June 18, 2019
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A digi is one who likes to go to 'schoolio' (see spaghetti, school, and orios)and generally make "flurp-ish" noises.
Person 1:Hey you goin' to schoolio?

Person 2:What do you mean? You a Digi or somethin'?

Person 1:"Flurp Flurp Flurp"

Person 2:Ah hell no! I'm callin' the cops!
by Jimmy D-Nibblepuffs November 27, 2013
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Verb: To contact electronically. (aka Text, email, phone {notably cellular phone}, IM, Twitter, Myspace, etc.).

Noun: An electronic communication {most notably from one of the forms listed above or in kind.}
Digi me if you wanna hang later. ; Send a digi when you get that new Johnny McGovern CD.
by Telon Seer June 21, 2010
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