Mr. Dick Ear is the term you would call someone who has an ear fetish and enjoys putting their dicks into people's ears.
She found out that the strange man was a Mr. Dick Ear when he tried to have sex with her ear.
by Undesirable.savage May 22, 2016
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so basically it’s a earring that is made up of whale dick, and it’s pretty hot. it smells super good and all the guys will be coming for you. it is being sold now on u can get killer whale, or even shark dick! buy now for the extremely low price of 1938.99! go to
mark - hey i love your earrings what are they made of?
by DIXIESTICK March 5, 2019
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means "fuck what you heard".Term used when, you want somebody to basically forget what they think is true.
---Man, i heard you be messin' with Trina's ol ugly ass!
------"Dude! Put a Dick in Your Ear!!
by Edy_Bayshore October 23, 2007
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When someone says something stupid and you’d rather have a dick in your ear than hear the stupid shit they have to say.
Eren: “Man I hate life…shits so stupid.”
Terence: “Aye bro shut the fuck up and stick a duck in my ear”
Eren: “What?”
Terence: “ You're saying some dumb shit I’d rather have you stick a dick in my ear rather than hear your bullshit.”
by Uncooked Spam October 30, 2021
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To place ones penis into the lug-hole of another and fuck some sense into them.
If you don't pack that in I'm gonna stick my dick in your ear!
by morphinemitt April 28, 2008
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An insult used to make somebody feel gay. Can be substituted for take a hike.
Hey faggot, go stick a fucking dick in your ear!
by Etni3s February 15, 2004
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Dick in your ear: When someone doesn't understand after one or two times of saying it.
Person 1: Hey. Sup?
Person 2: huh?
Person 1: Ya got dick in your ear?

Person 2: WHAT?!
by RavenVixenAzure March 17, 2019
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