Jim- "I slipped on a banana peel!"
Kim- "Hahahahhaha"
Joe- "DFL!"
by Aubreyah Mischella August 20, 2011
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Down For Life, i.e., someone who's got your back, always with it, and commands respect.
by whiskeytits February 13, 2008
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dead fucking last.
basically you suck ay whatever youre doing.
AKA nicole lightfoot
you dont want to be DFL.....NICOLE!
by mynameisssss April 8, 2008
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DFL = Dating for Love

When the goal in dating is love then you are DFL, dating for love.

Underlying DFL is the intention and desire of a love relationship.

The opposite would be DFS, dating for sport (or some say dating for sex)
John to his buddy on a Saturday night: "I'm done with sleeping around, I want to DFL and find a real girlfriend or maybe even my wife."

"I've never really been into dating for sport, I prefer a serious relationship so I'm all about DFL. It's much more fulfilling."

Plato says, "The beginning is the most important part of the work," and DFL is the most important decision in beginning to date.
by Love Linguist April 1, 2010
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Down from London. People who visit the countryside and think they own it. Usually found wearing Fairfax & Favor boots, in a land-rover that couldn't possible get muddy and a Barbour which hasn't seen a stable in its life.
I'd avoid Bruton if I were you. Full of DFLs
by Elly88 December 29, 2022
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Have you met Rob? He’s a real DFL.
by Rose A. Melano January 11, 2022
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DFL is an acronym for "Deceased from Laughter". It first originated during the 70's, around the time that such slang became widely used. However, it was lost, and only resurfaced again in the late 90s. It was spread mainstream by a popular sitcom that aired on a small Indie broadcaster, but was later bought and re-made by BBC. "DFL" was the punchline by Susan Lawley, the star teen of said sitcom.

It died alongside the show, but was later brought back in MySpace.
"Yo, man! Check that lady out! Her tits look like two slabs of jello hanging from a cage!"
"DFL, dude!!! Fuck, I spit out my milk!"
by Arietti October 14, 2018
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