An educated and capricious male who for some strange reason feels compelled to add his own definition for his own name simply because every other definition describes a female, but who then gets distracted by the scroll bar and jumps from the bottom to the top of the page with increasing rapidity.
"Did you hear about Darrian?"
"No, what happened?"
"He ended up having a seizure because of his flashing computer."
"Why in the world was it flashing?"
"...The world may never know."
by Audiorgy14 November 28, 2011
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A Beautiful girl who is never a bitch. She always fits in and she is a good person wit ha whole heart and she also is very sexy
I wish I was a Darrian
by Anyno April 10, 2011
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Person A"who's that"
Person B"that's Darrian he's a merman"
by Coolguy264 November 11, 2020
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a Hawt girl that hangs out in SwiftIRC :)
that Darriane girl is Hawt.
by tande32 September 5, 2008
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Darrian is a remarkable woman, when you first look at her she might look intimidating but really she’s a nice person who loves to play around. An all around sweet and beautiful person that will do nothing but encourage you to be the best person you can be. You’ll be thankful to have a Darrian in your life.
Wow that’s Darrian? She’s amazing.
by Magicmaker55 November 24, 2021
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A name given to the absolute laziest people on Earth, they won't even move a finger to save their best friends lives!
Did you hear about Darrian?" "What?" "Her friend was getting mugged in the alley , and she just watched them lose there college funds!" "What a freaking Darrian!
by This is Not Austin August 3, 2011
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A complete asshole who need to stop cheating on girls I'm calling you out darrian pierce
Did you hear darrian cheated on her
by Makenzie kain February 5, 2018
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