When one or witch eats a plethora of rice and fried chicken he/she/nigga becomes a Ching Chong
That fat Ching Chong just at so much fucking rice.
by Mikey Cuh December 12, 2022
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A word most people with no respect says to asians. Especially Chinese, in fact there too clueless to the difference between japanese and chinese
Asian kid: (speaks chinese)
Retarded white kid: CHING CHONG CHING CHONG
Asian kid *gets bamboo stick and whoops white kid's ass*
by Subscribe to sushi4u2 April 6, 2018
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A way to verbally insult someone who has Asian Heritage. Usually finished by saying "Wing Wong".
White/Black Person:"Yo Ching Chong, give me some rice you wing wong."
Asian Person:*insult in asian* or "Fuck You".
by Zolder November 29, 2005
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This is what a Racist Mofo uses to Describe how Chinese or Asian people in General Sound. It is a Very Racist term and they should be cancelled immediately on the Popular social media website called “Twitter.com
Person 1: Hello, do you know where China Town is?

Person 2: No, go back to your own country Ching Chong.
by IPostDefinitionsIGuess2244 October 20, 2020
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The racist word for asian that is equal to the n word. Do not say this word unless authorized by asian.
Me: *Usually looking at phone*
Random nazi: Hey ching chong
Me: *Pulls out bamboo*WTF U SAY?
by bored hong kong student September 17, 2020
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White kid: "hey! You're asian! Ching Chong!

Asian kid: "fuck off m8"
by KingDogeDaBest December 15, 2020
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