A person who dedicates a ridiculous amount of time editing and maintaining their FaceBook, to the point of addiction or compulsion. They commonly have 700+ friends, none of who they have ever had any real contact with.
Get a life BookFace...
by Troy Ginbey November 19, 2007
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A person who looks great in their facebook pictures but they are not as attractive/ugly in real life.
Steve: "Have you seen Katie's new pics? She's gorgeous now!

Jeff: "Naw man, she's just a bookface."
by Poliwhirl February 3, 2011
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The condition of having unintended negative consequences from interaction, comments, posts on social networking sites such as Facebook.

Social networking site blowback
That professor totally bookfaced themselves with those comments.

Headline: "Professor Suspended After Joke About Killing Students on Facebook"
by octopad March 5, 2010
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verb: To sit and read, post, or otherwise interact on Facebook.
I spent the entire night bookfacing
by Lee Woo February 12, 2010
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The Anthropomorphic Personification of literature.

Bookface lives in The Great Library in the Sky, where all the original copies of books go when they are no longer needed.

And in this GLS, he requires complete. And utter.

Bookface never speaks. Just glares. All communication occurs on index cards with neatly handprinted locations of books in the library.
by friendlyscholar January 25, 2010
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A person that checks and updates facebook constantly.
"Hey, have you been on facebook recently? My dad has turned into such a bookface, I can't believe it!"
by Jabot Jabberwocky June 14, 2009
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