I listened to my bello when it told me to go get pizza
by Flame Duck June 14, 2018
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A form of hello that signals the attention of your friends, normally in a group chat. The average response is "Bello". It is a conversation starter and is always guaranteed a reply.
by lcwhittingham January 6, 2023
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A person that likes to say "Nigga" to every person in existence
John: "Could you stop being a fucking Bello?"
Drew: "No Nigga"
by Der Oofergang February 11, 2020
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The last name of the notorious "Usman Bello", much feared by Internet Scammers for his(?) ability to infiltrate criminal communication networks, reroute Western Union Transfers (WUxfer) and appropriating the scammer's victims.

Alternatively, the last name of an particular Government Minister in Nigeria.

He has recently become part of the Nigerian Internet Scammer's "Scam" format, placed next to the (hallowed?) presence of Miriam Abacha of Nigeria, and Wang Qin of Taiwan.
"I just recieved an email from Mr. Bello... should I respond?"
by Carlton October 13, 2004
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(n) anything or anyone whom is so incredibly annoying that you want it to go play in traffic. nicknames include: belly; bellybutton; it
A bello is just like a bellybutton. It follows you everywhere and has no purpose.
by Scott Smith May 14, 2003
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It's like hello but it means bye. You say that to your closest friends when you have to leave but don't want to do so.
Kai: please don't leave!
Adrian: I really have to. Sorry man. Bello.
Kai: bello to you too.
by Sher. June 24, 2016
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1 hitting on all of the freshman in your school and subsequently denying it.
2.Acting like an unreasonable douche bag on every possible occasion seen fit.
3. A physical metaphorical word for douche bag.
Person 1: Dude you've been ditching me a lot man what the hell
Person 2: Sorry I've been playing b-ball and hanging with Jackie all day
Person 1: Dude that freshman whore, stop being a Bello
by Dman345 November 18, 2010
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