(am-uh-rit); noun: A bluish green semiprecious stone found predominately along the coasts of Khazekstan said to give it's holder complete mental clarity and the ability to think you are correct, all the time...
"Shane has been holding onto a little blue rock all day, claiming he is "more awesome than anyone!", so I guess he's discovered Amirite."

"I have the ultimate stone Amirite, and now I better then everyone else in the universe, amirite?"
by LuzObscuridad April 9, 2008
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Internet jargon used by people asking rhetorical questions to which the reader can clearly understand the answer to. commonly used by a writer which is also meant to imply a certain level of smartassery.Commonly used in comment sections to which the writer is responding to a comment created by another person employing the same level of smartassery.
Example: "The sky is always blue, and so are your balls, amirite? "
by Stormekeepr March 14, 2015
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A phrase used by people who invariably are completely wrong, and usually douchebags, begging for affirmation of their retarded opinion or joke.
Chris Brown would never beat a woman. He's dreamy. AMIRITE?
by DimThexter May 16, 2013
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Not sure if troll, but here you go. Yolo = abbrevation for You Only Live Once(Basically Carpe diem, seize the day, etc.). First introduced by artist and member of YMCMB hip-hop formation Drake. Swag: abbrevation of Swagger, meaning charm(ing).
Not sure if troll, but here you go. Yolo = abbrevation for You Only Live amirite Once(Basically Carpe diem, seize the day, etc.). First introduced by artist and member of YMCMB hip-hop formation Drake. Swag: abbrevation of Swagger, meaning charm(ing).- drake yolo bri if ur reading this hi hip hop cool and charming

He’s got yolo swag amirite
by Jonahcorbynjackzachdaniel February 18, 2019
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It means that you are right, and you are seeking validation for that fact.
A: That's one sexy MILF amirite lads?
B: You are right lad.
by FireTheGod/ess December 1, 2021
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