A white female who likes or is dating a black man
White guy: that's a cute girl right there
Black guy: yeah you right, but you don't have a chance. I heard she's a snow bunny.
by Swaggirl988 April 19, 2020
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a white girl that only dates black guys.
Ever since Emily broke up with Chad she's been a snow bunny.
by longdongjohn96 November 7, 2018
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cute women that are snowboarding at a mountain and are decent.
i talked to a bangin snow bunny on the lift up earlier
by joo-ish September 28, 2010
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a girl that goes to the mountains to wear cute ski/snowboard clothes to drink hot chocolate and hit on the hot ski lift boys. usually not very good at skiing/snowboarding.
guy 1: Dang, that snow bunny that's been hanging in the lodge all week is hella cute.

guy 2: Yeah, but man that girl can't ski for shit.
by Bunnies101 November 26, 2012
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a fucking hot snowboard chick that likes to ride power in a g string
i watched that snowbunny ride that powder all day
by ryan January 30, 2004
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Cocaine addict, usually female. Also refers to chicks who snowboard.
Courtney Love is a snow bunny.
by Heather Casteel July 27, 2004
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1: A pale white girl. Usually used as a derogatory term for a basic light skinned white girl

2: A good-looking girl who snowboards (to varying levels of skill).
Guy 1: Hot damn she's cute.
Guy 2: You always think these snow-bunnies are cute.

Guy 1: I just saw this snow-bunny of at our usual snowboarding spot.
by psycholock July 31, 2018
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