A sexy, badass dude from Israel who knows how to serve up a shot of tequila and give you an orgasm just by staring at you ;-) Not to be confused with arabic Yousufs who think they're hot shots when they're not. YOSEFs are from Israel!
Elise: Hey T check him out he's soo sexy, his name is YOSEF
Tina: I dunno he looks soo mean
Elise: I know it's driving me crazy thinking what he would do to me if given the chance.
by AlphaRomeo* December 7, 2013
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big ass guy with a m60 and a $30- i mean $50 dollar haircut who throws grenades at you faster than a pngtuber's parents kicking them out
"wait what its wave 10 ALREADY?!"
"bruh we dead af"
*heavy boss music starts playing*
by FarexoZ September 26, 2022
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Definition - a bhoasting individual

(see the definition for bhoast)
1) Yaagnika is a yosef.

2) Mr. Ma made the test up on the spot? That yosef!
by harry potter January 30, 2005
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Yosef is very manipulative and doesn’t take no for an answer. He’s only nice when he wants something from you.
Girl 1: “You slept with yosef??”
Girl 2: “he didn’t really take no for an answer
by Marry jainie February 7, 2019
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