The name of the greatest Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat Mod player ever.

Yaz is used as a phrase to say "I got owned". This phrase is now used because no one can or ever will be better than Yaz in Battlefield 1942 w/Desert Combat Mod. Yaz is also said to express the infinite amount of ownage that Yaz has upon anyone in the game.
"I got Yazzed" (I got owned"
"Yaz" (Yaz owns everyone)
"OMG it's Yaz" (AHHH everyone is going to die a neverending death!)
"Hey Yaz" (I'm going to get owned by Yaz")

etc etc
by Monkeyhead January 30, 2005
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lovely, inspirational young women. some day might be president. big ambitions. if you could design a person, this would be it.
"i wish i was yaz!"
"I pure bum off yaz"
by yazzzzzzzz November 22, 2006
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Slang word for cocaine, shortend form of "yeyo".
There was enough yaz being snorted at that party to cover the Himalayas twice over.
by Dr Claw April 19, 2007
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Usually a girl that likes to party and go out and well not give a fuck. Also enjoys in taking part in a thot ritual the "LTC" which is short for loving the crew.
damn it our daughter needs to snap out of being a yaz she's ping crazy.
by silevi July 8, 2014
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Yaz doesn’t actually give a fuck about what anyone thinks. She is the most amazing, most attractive women ever and has the biggest ass. She will fuck anyone she sees and will not give 1 fuck. She is amazing inside and out (and in bed).
Damn is that Yaz? I heard about her, she has a big 1 big ass!
by Spiderdelila November 15, 2017
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the milkshake company yazoo. flavours come as stawbewwy (strawberry), banyaz (banana), choc choc big cock (chocolate), vin vin (vanilla) and one minty boi (mint chocolate)
yo get me some yaz please
by mungemasterjusedaddy November 27, 2018
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the way people from inner city, especially from New York say you.
Person from suburbs: "Hey, are you guys going to the movies today?"
Person from the inner city "yo, are yaz niggaz going to da movies?"
by ingoeinrgoie January 11, 2013
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