Something that is close to never happening if you smoke weed like most people do.
Hey man, don't you have a weed hangover?

No man, i never go over the limit.
by weed... who??? December 26, 2008
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Having all the symptoms of a typical hangover, except due to the effects of smoking marijuana. Weed hangovers tend to be more incapacitating than a typical hangover, and people that have experienced these will testify that they are typically much worse than the average alcohol induced hangover. Symptoms include:
Sensitivity to light
all of these typical of a regular hangover
(groans) awww man, smoked WAY too much last night (runs to the bathroom and proceeds to vomit several times) totally got me a weed hangover dud... (vomits again)
by UM North Quad September 25, 2011
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