or "would smash" is the expression of one’s desire to have sexual intercourse with a person(s) and or object. Often abbreviated “ws” to mask one’s debauch intent in public.
Guy 1: hey, check out the hottie with the halter pounding away lemon drop after lemon drop at the bar.
Guy 2: yeah, she can’t even keep her eye’s open, let alone stand up straight.
Guy 1: ws?
Guy 2: definitely
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"Work-Safe" - Not containing Nudity or Material that would be subject to violating a work environment code of conduct.
by phix November 19, 2003
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what happens when you try to type "wtf" on your Blackberry when you have taken your Ambien for the night.
She did what? ws?
by redfireman August 28, 2010
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Ben: I'm gonna go watch the ws

Nathan: ?

Ben: World Series... idiot

Nathan: Wow you're a faggot
by Chunkers12 November 3, 2009
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