"man i got all tweaked two days ago and i'm still awake"
by x September 2, 2003
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To be paranoid/twitchy
To be High
Man, you gotta stop being so tweaky.
Man I was tweaking last night.
by Stewie April 9, 2003
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Repeatedly and obsessively engaging in a SIMPLE behavior or motion, like pulling at one's face to remove imagined objects that aren't there. Persons addicted to methamphetamine will engage in this type of compulsion. Yet, it is a myth some people subscribe to , that the behavior can extend to having sex. People high on meth can't perform anything NEARLY that complicated when they're tweaking, let alone maintain an erection or climax.
He must be tweaking like crazy, to have done that to his face!
by JB4BJ July 8, 2015
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This guy on the Venice boardwalk at night was tweaking and talking nonsense. Meths a bad drug..
by Carlgal26 January 18, 2021
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When your up for days cuz your unable to stop drawing and reading so the pictures and posters start winking at you, making facial expressions, and appear to be breathing
“The poster just winked at me, im tweaking.”
“I need sleep but my brain won’t stop tweaking.”
by skittleheadrose October 27, 2019
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tweak n., slang - Methamphetamine.
tweaker n., - someone high on methamphetamine.
tweak -ing, -ed, v., slang - 1) to be high on methamphetamine,
2) to fine tune.
3) to act as if being high on meth.
4) to pay extended amplified attention to tasks, usually of a trivial nature; especially when other tasks of a larger priority should be handled (with or without the aid of methamphetamine).
"I was high on tweak"
"That tweaker accused everyone at walmart of being an undercover agent."
"I got this peanut butter dope and was seriously tweaked out."
"I was tweaking my stereo system all night."
"Monster energy drinks get me all tweaked out."
"I realized I was tweaking when after three hours of having the water running, I had cleaned the whole shower but was still dirty."
by feellikemore dot com November 23, 2008
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(n.) methamphetamine
(v.) the act of consuming methamphetamines
'Where might I find some tweak'
'He was totally tweaking'
by Kathy McGinty February 18, 2003
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