The act of ZUCC being a actual reptilian human/robot trying to calculate the English language. You also have to drink water constantly to stay hydrated from all the toxic oxygen you're breathing.
Normal human: How to do you store all this data on your website.
Zucc: *Sips water*
by LeButtCheeks April 15, 2018
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When you say give me the succ on facebook which summons the mighty god/robot/lizard Mark Zuckerburg ascends from his palace and gives you the succ for an hour
Chad: Hey Stacy give me the succ
by Sauce boi March 22, 2018
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To abuse someone's personal information. Usually after giving assuring them their information will be secure.
Wow dude, I really wish Verizon wouldn't zucc all of my information and contacts.
by tinytuareg August 21, 2018
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The almighty lizard robot who stores your information to use for his own advantage, as he drinks his zucc juice and sits in his booster and uses your information you gave to him without knowing it as an advantage.
Zucc shall remove your zucc memes from facebook, you have been zucced
by SpinDaddyMike April 29, 2018
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Mark Zuckerberg's name memified and shortened into a word that makes it sound like "succ".
"Zucc is bad boi."
by Colress's Waifu July 4, 2018
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When someone steals something from you (Hence Mark Zuckerburg taking personal information from people of Facebook).
Dude, why did you just zucc my stuff ?
by UrbanTrainer December 14, 2018
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