A place in north central Indiana where there is not much to do, but hang out with great people and great friends.

Where people are so nice, and people arfe kind all the time.
We live in Tipton, IN, and there is nothing to do, but we love it. The Pork Festival is the greatest.
by midgetninja June 9, 2010
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someone so dirty they always resemble Pigpen from Charlie Brown.
David just got out of the shower, but he still looks like a tipton.
by qwikstop July 11, 2008
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One of the guitarists that completely defined Heavy Metal, along with K. K . Downing . A God. A legend unfairly underrated. The best solos of Judas Priest fell from his fingers.
Glenn Tipton is the best guitarist of Heavy Metal.
by Verni666 October 4, 2014
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A very small town in easter iowa. It has lots of stuff to do, but there is rarely anything to do there. It's that boring that that last sentence would drive everybody there insane.
"Dude, I'm bored. I feel like I'm in Tipton, Iowa."
by D. Savage December 13, 2008
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If you meet anyone by this name, you may wanna stay away from them. Ryan Tipton's are assholes, and only care about themselves. Some are racist, others are sexist. Some are even abusive. So, please, make sure to stay away from them at all costs.
Person 1: Yo, is that Ryan Tipton?
Person 2: Oh, that guy? Yeah, he's a dickhead, don't interact with him
by Boi269173 July 24, 2020
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Drinking a shot that's been poured into a man's foreskin.

A very common occurrence in the UK among friends that play rugby.
William: Bruh he just done a London Tipton
George: He took a shot out of his cock? No way
by scotstee September 20, 2021
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A character from "The Suite Life" series, and one of the most irritating and aggravating characters ever to grace the Disney Channel BEFORE Miley Cyrus followed suit. Reasons? 1.) Brenda Song performs like she believes that she's a comedy Godsend, but in reality, she overacts to great lengths; 2.) She reminds many of the self-absorbed bitch who would make average boy or girl feel worthless, and 3.) She has her own blog on Disney Channel's website, enforcing the sad truth that Disney has become something for up-and-coming ho's.
I would love to shove a sawed-off shotgun up London Tipton's ass so I wouldn't hear that tacky "Yay me!" line again. Honey, sitcoms don't use punchlines any more. Look at "30 Rock", which stars one of the strongest comediennes of all time: Tina Fey.
by mez1985 April 5, 2009
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