Worlds fastest Corvette manufactured by Callaway.
Most expensive corvette produced for it's time
1/4 Mile= 10.6 secs @ 127mph
top speed= 254mph
0-60 time 3.9sec
by James Adamcheck September 17, 2006
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"big hammer", serious tool, not carried in pocketz,and not used with nails, more like used fo` whacking down anything else.
(also total humour series, starring
by some actor named david, watch out for Sledge.)
by saywhaaat December 11, 2003
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A fart smelling soooooooo damn bad that the person's head instantly recoils back. Most of the time, this fart is silent.
Bruce: *toot*

Claire: *SWINGGGG* EWWWWWWW *coughs*


Bruce: *whistles*
by Ni_Mader_JiJi_Bao_Zhe June 17, 2010
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A person who tricks another person in to thinking they are romantically interested, only to ignore them later on.
"She stopped answering his calls, that girl is a sledgehammer."
by js2011 October 5, 2011
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what your pulse/heartbeat feel like when you lose your virginity
If you could take my pulse right now, it would feel just like a sledgehammer.
by analpriest November 26, 2014
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The act of a man inserting his penis and having "intercourse" using the space between his partner's genitals and anus.
Julio: Dude, did you really give that chick a sledgehammer?

Mike: Why yes, yes I did.
by abysmalhorrors March 29, 2005
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When she gets on her knees to blow you, and you pick up your erect cock by the tip and let it slam on her face like a sledgehammer.
You wanna get sledgehammered stephyane you little slut?
by SorryBandit December 15, 2019
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