a person who is a wuss or a sissy. also one who is gullible and often described as a goody two shoes.
Example 1-
person 1: "eeww i saw you and your girlfriend kiss yesterday!"
person 2: "oh, shut up, you marshmallow."

Example 2-
person 1: "OMG that guy in the movie just chopped off that guy's head!!!"
person 2: "stop being such a marshmallow; it's just a movie."
by smiley_chica May 5, 2010
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fluffy sugury little squares of heaven. best fuckin candy in the world. i could eat these little fuckers all day and never get sick...

i hope i turn into one someday so i can eat myself...
If i eat too many marshmallows, maybe i'll turn into one...
by your lord and master April 1, 2005
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A soft dick. usually when after having sex one's dick become soft.
Girl: do you want to have it again.
Guy: No, sorry. I already got a marshmallow
by little boy89 October 26, 2011
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the slang word for paraphimosis, or the condition of the male foreskin becoming trapped behind the knob and swelling up, giving the appearance of a marshmallow.
oi sarah gave me a hand job the other day, i looked at it after and turned out she gave me a marshmallow as well.
by marshmallow mick September 25, 2010
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a fat white girl who is puffy and overweight hence a marshmallow
dat brawd is a fuggin marshmallow
by Kwelityhiphop November 29, 2005
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