1. An acronym for "You Are Onto Something".

2. An acronym for "You Are On Something".
Lisa: I have just made the greatest dip and would now like to start an enterprise making great dips.
by _en September 3, 2013
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1. (Interjection.)
The Ebonics word for "Yo." Used normally as a greeting or to attract another individual's attention.

2. (Adverb.)
The Ebonics word for "Yes" used as a function word to express assent or agreement.
Person 1: "Yao, did you see the Texans beat San Deigo's *** last night 31-28?"
Person 2:"YAO!"

Person 1 used "Yao" in regarding to the first definition, while Person 2 uses "Yao" with respect to the second definition.
by QuazMaster_Flex September 11, 2013
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A person that is high on drugs and computer updates.
Damn, that guy is so yao. Look at him; he also goes, "HEHEHHEHEHEHE."
by bakaxbakax March 1, 2008
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"There are a lot of Yaos at school who try to flirt with me!"
by SKng February 27, 2008
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a jerk who thinks he is sexy and a total player, but in reality he's not.
look at that yao, i bet he thinks he's so cool!
by knickslover22 May 2, 2010
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What people call someone who is very dumb and believes everyhing
That girl is acting like yao. Or That yao girl is weird
by Luckyducky3 June 2, 2017
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Last night at the club, LaShawnda was Yao Mingin' it in her 4" stilettos.
by tbaby March 31, 2005
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