A phrase in which /b/tards use to say they did something that was funny.
I humped a pole for the lulz.
by Unknown343213 August 28, 2008
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To lulz is the act of "lulzing" which is laughing uncontrollably while you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs etc... You may lulz out of random, even when something funny does not happen. Lulzing has no limits! Lulzing also may include crying out of pure laughter, spitting out your drink/having it come out through your nose, ROFL-ing (literally) and most importantly, saying the word "lulz" out loud and/or using it in a sentence while laughing.
While smoking weed, Rory told Carlie she "wants to watch Treehouse, because she is baked out of her mind". While this is not particularly funny, Carlie proceeded to lulz and said "I am lulzing up a storm" through tears of pure joy.
by queh September 4, 2010
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1. A corruption of 'lol' or a purpose misspelling of 'lol'.

2. An idiotic excuse to do ANYTHING offensive or disturbing (and as such, funny) used mostly by Chantards (4chan, IIchan, etc.) Gaiafags, or any usual member of Encyclopedia Dramatica.

3. Something funny that is caused at the expensive of others.
Gaiafag: WTF?! A burning cat! Oh God, why?!
Troll: i didz it for da lulz

/b/tard: dude whyd u cum on ur sisters face and then post pics?
/b/tard(2): i did it for da lulz

by person over there March 11, 2008
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Phil Shuman used this term in a poorly executed last minute piece that was thrown together. It shows his complete lack of ability to perform proper investigative reporting. Many LULZ were generated from this attempt.
"LULZ is a corruption of L O L, which stands for Laugh Out Loud." --Phil Shuman, Fox News
by XgizmoX July 31, 2007
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"Why did you set all those blind people on fire?"
"I did it for the lulz."
by Sean O. April 16, 2007
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News man: Why did you blow up the world trade centers?

Osama: I did it for the lulz.
by HamSammy November 14, 2009
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