Sydnee is a girl that is very kind and sweet hearted. She is very pretty and some would even call her hot. She is very talented and athletic, especially at softball and volleyball. If you know a Sydnee keep her in her life because you do not want to lose her. Sydnee is very fun to hang out with and very funny. She is very good at getting guys and flirting. Sydnee would be a really great girlfriend and a great best friend.
Man 1: “dude! That girl is so fine! Like she can be a model I want her”
Man 2: “well obviously her name is Sydnee!
by Sydnee! December 30, 2021
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The most beautiful, kind, down to earth person and amazing and soooo fine and plays games which makes her even more cool and Josh has found literally the perfect girl and will treat her like a queen
Syndee is tubular, and why wont it let me post this what the heck, Sydnee
by josh.... March 25, 2019
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A girl that demands tons of hot pockets! she will chew your head off if you talk to her wrongly. Is a freind of craig who is abnormaly tall. Sydnee can fly with her legs and has little tiny ears. She wants to cut adams arms off. We are currently in spanish class and this has nothing to do with sydnee. She is cool and she is blonde and likes gum. She hates madison and wants to cut his head off.
craig: Hey Sydnee how are you?

Sydnee: I hate madison
by Jesus christ almighty craiger February 22, 2010
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1. A physco bitch who befriends all your friends to make you jealous after you break up. 2. Slut or a Ho. 3. a girl who sleeps with your roomate to piss you off.
1. "your being a total sydnee!!"
2. "she's such a sydnee"
3. Roomate: "dude I'm sorry.."
Victom: "It's cool bro..she's a sydnee"
by zx fuckin petey xz August 26, 2010
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A little girl with extremely large and gross breasts. She jiggles when she walks and kind of looks like a man. Completely unoriginal. Pretty annoying. Makes little children cry and old woman commit suicide. But I love her!!!!
Look mommy, its a Sydnee!!
Get away from that filthy thing Jimmy!!
by HarleyQUIIIIIN!!! December 8, 2010
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Sydnee is an bitch who just uses people for their own pathetic lives
Oh that Sydnee girl is just a pathetic person
by ŧHLËŸ GÜÏLBËRŢ March 11, 2016
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a beautiful, intelligent girl who has a stunning smile that can brighten anyones day. She is funny, talented, and athletic. Her happiness is contagious and so is her happiness. She has beautiful eyes and hair. Her butt is big as well as her boobs. She is very sexy. She is slim thick with a cute ass. Basically the definition of perfect.
yo dude, did you see that new sydnee chick?
yeah bro id hit that for sure, shes perfect
by basiccx.sydd January 30, 2016
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