i vagina with a fungus,usually green like the hulk has cuts or open sores and has a abnormally large bush,usually reaks like dead fish and is very loose
1. you have a vary nasty sloosh

2.your sloosh is disturbing me

by jesse caballero July 11, 2008
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One who quaggles shloosh
when megan gives travis a blow job she is considered a sloosh quaggler.
by SLoosher February 12, 2010
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a phrase said by a certain man whenever he does something, it doesn't have to be specific, you'll know its slooshing time when its slooshing time.
guy: holy shit look at what slooshi's doing!!

slooshi: "ITS SLOOSHING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by Sl00shi October 4, 2023
A slushy hail, like a fine solid sleet.
Wow, look at all the gropel

I'd call it sloosh.
by Marrium webser April 26, 2022
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The act of ones fart being the consistency of a sloosh. A sloosh is relatively similar to a 7/11 icee, liquid diarrhea, and soggy snow. A fart sloosh only occurs to the slooshiest of slooshies.
"Yo did you hear Avery had a fart sloosh today?!"
by Literally can't even. April 18, 2020
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