Someone who fraudulently convinces people to pay them money, by promising something in return which doesn't exist.

Amoral and extremely manipulative, these people are skilled at deception and lies, and will abuse anybody in the pursuit of more money.
Did you hear about the scammer guy who set up a hedge fund and ran off with the investors' money? That's just like Simon

Miley is such a scammer, I bought tickets off him which were fake, and he kept my money
by Pppp9999 January 2, 2023
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A money stealer or a terminator that terminate people money
There is a scammer scamming my money!
by notl0rdes June 14, 2017
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person who works harder at doing nothing than actually doing work.
instead of bitchin' about it just do it scammer.
by nicolaistrong August 11, 2005
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a person, usually on runescape or neopets, that goes around scamming younge, impressionable noobs out of good things they might have found lying around...for example, i scam noobs on runescape out of pure hatered for noobs.
el stabby (me): hey imadouche109, how much money u got there?
imadouche109: uhh about 200k. i found it in lumby.
el stabby: pfft thats nothing kid, gimme the 200 and ill turn it into 200 million using my magic!
imadouche109: are u sure ur not a scammer?
el stabby: im sure
imadouche109: ok! sure! here u go!
(el stabby takes the money, and logs off)
by pot head370 September 2, 2006
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What happens to Indians that don't have real jobs
Scammer: Hello sir we have detected malicious bad not good hacker scary software on your computer
Me: Oh no what am I going to do
Scammer: First hit control alt c

Me: One question what is your name?
Scammer: Richard...I mean Raj... wait no Robertson...Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta... oh wait.... shit
Me: Damn scammer
by Makundra December 4, 2017
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A young individual who makes out with the opposite sex.
One who throws a scam or is scamming on someone. A way to explain the personality type of a potential hook up.
Can also grow up and still scam.
girlfriend A: so what do you think 'bout Billy-Bob?
girlfriend B: they may call him Billy-Bob, but he's a real
by E to the o to the s July 6, 2006
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