Probably the best person of all time. He will kick your ass if you disrespect anyone he cares about. He is awesome at sports. He is sooo good looking, he sure will take your girl without any effort.
Oh my gosh is that Santiago I want to date him.
by SF48 March 15, 2017
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A Colombian sex god. As potent and addictive as Colombian cocaine. Knows how to spank you the right way.
It wasn't very good...he wasn't Santiago.
I can't stop thinking about Santiago.
I wish I could give up sex with Santiago, but I just can't, it's too good.
by addictedlover December 3, 2012
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Santiago is a Colombian sex god, but he is more that that lol. Santiago's are the most caring, passionate, funny, and best guys you can possibly know. You legit CANNOT get any better than a Santiago. In a relationship you can tell him how great he is but he will never feel like he is better than you, he will see you as the most beautiful being and see you as perfect. It's crazy the amount of love you feel from a Santiago, and it's wild how he doesn't realize how great and out of everyone's league he is. If you get the chance to have a Santiago, whether is be as a friend, best friend, or boyfriend, never let them go. The will be the most loyal and best thing to ever happen to you
Santiago is the best!
I love Santiago, I'm so happy we got close!
Santiago is my best friend, I couldn't ask for better.
by gigibigpp May 11, 2020
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A Puerto Rican sex God. Santiago is well known for his extraordinary penis: He contributes he success to his phallus and sexual conquests. Although many women of the mid west have seen the orgasmic light of the Puerto Rican sex God, there is only one woman that has ever stimulated Santiago both body and mind. Santiago is most effective as a God when in the act of transcended emulsion with this one woman.
oh Santiago! oh Santiago! Oh Santiago!
by Utahmel April 22, 2008
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A being in a series of YouTube videos on the channel “Pamtri” that is in nearly every single video and always kills someone. He appears to be nigh omnipotent and he spends 70$ on bullets every week. He usually likes to possess people and after he’s done killing, he says SANTIAGO with a loud echo effect.
Who are you?”
by PPSLAYER611 February 19, 2018
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Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Named for Saint James.
Nick Name: Chago
santiago is hispanic.
by Bbesco2021 October 10, 2006
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Man in Mask traps you in alley: Santiago called and he needs his money.

Ty: Tell Santiago he will get his money I just need a few days.
Man in Mask: That's what you said last time *reaches for gun
by Freddie Valedi May 10, 2017
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