a southeastern Ohio term meant to insult someone. Originated in Glouster, Ohio near Athens in the 60's and became a phrase to describe someone or someplace as unkempt, poor, or smelly. This term is used by ignorant people with low IQs to make themselves feel superior.
Fact: the football field at Athens High School carries the name "Basil R. Rutter Stadium" because my husband's rich Uncle Basil donated a large sum of money years ago to rebuild it. This did not discourage the insensitive remarks.
you are dirty as a rutter, looks like a rutter lives here
by Rutter family November 17, 2007
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a white trailer trash poerson who lives in southester ohio that thinks he is a gangester
did you here that rutter talking? he thinks hes cool talking like that.
by johnny boy from OH October 2, 2007
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The surname of a rather tinky family from Stonehaven. In-bred minks related to other minks in the cess-pit town.
Jason Rutter,Alan Rutter,Ann Rutter,ANY FUCKING RUTTER

Also used as a term for being under the influence of excessive alcohol. "Holy fuck i'm totally Ruttered like!" or
Under the influence of mind bending chemicals. "I had 7 pills last night and i was just a Ruttered mess totally Rutted out in the corner of Drum"
by MinkHater August 10, 2006
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Your map place when in York city. They have the greatest employees. (Some may think so, but oh well).
"I am lost. Oh, look, there is a Rutter's, we must be in York. O there is another one, and another, and an other. Ahhh!"
by INYGS3 May 3, 2006
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A famous gypsy family name from europe, also many travelled over to the USA from Ireland many years ago. But the majority still live in great britian and europe. Is also name with which most of the people holding are from the roman catholic faith.
oh look on the campsite its the rutters.
by joe spencer March 15, 2007
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A word signaling to an Appalachian Badass that an elitist racist is nearby and to heed caution.
Levi: “No shit, ( laughing) I just got called a ‘Rutter’ by some college professor’s kid!”
Harmony: “ Sweet, thanks for the tip, I’ll avoid those douchebags.”
Levi: “ they need some homegrown.”
Harmony: “ Yeah, and educated.”
by Badass Appalachian July 5, 2018
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Person of mixed origins who inherits their surname from catholic gypsies but has seen the movie snatch enough to know that gypsies rule in the bare-knuckle boxing ring.
That dude Chris Rutter sounds like a Gypsy, but god damn he can throw a god-like punch.
by rutters mullet July 11, 2008
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