When someone unjustly uses the word "roflwaffle."
Cory: Nah, I can't play WoW today, my dad died.
Cory: Dude, that's an unlawful roflwaffle...
by C.R. March 2, 2008
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A dish best served cold to enemies and foes.
That kid is sooo going to get ROFLWAFFLE With PWNSAUCE after I'm finished with him, wheter he likes it or not.
by Mono1 April 16, 2009
The epitome of Rofl. Simply due to the fact waffles are superior to pancakes in every way.
"Dude, did you see 30 Rock last night?"
"Yeah, that show is Roflwaffle"
by Admiral Waffleton December 3, 2012
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(Rawful-waffle) Verb. - To truly or hypothetically laugh until waffles spew out of your nose.

Interjection. - used in chat for a type of laughter beyond epic proportions.
Axelxx247: why do seagulls hang out by the sea?
Generalpret: why?
Cute_pingu: y?
Axelxx247: cause if they hung out by the bay they'd be bagels! lol
Cute_pingu: lmao
Generalpret: ROFLWAFFL!!!
by toxiclunch September 13, 2009
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