Rikki is the most wonderful man in the world. He's kind, caring, handsome, very manly and sexy. He loves to help everyone, often overstretching, but only in an effort to please. He's old fashioned but cool, geeky but a trend setter. He's a hero and you'll be blessed if you ever have the good fortune of sharing his company.
Have you seen Rikki? Yeah, he's just there riding that Ordinary! How cool is that!
by NickersFan November 4, 2019
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The female spelling of Ricky. - A woman, who is quite beautiful. Typically a super runner, that is short, but swift like the wind. Super outgoing and adventuresome. Fights wildland fire, which makes her hot, and thus can kick your arse. Straight up awesome girlfriend.
AKA - Rix
"That fire last night was hot!"

"Yea, it was totally Rikki."
by rjbtree60 February 9, 2010
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short from Rikkarda (Italian), and it also means a good looking chick called Rikki
by Benzo July 21, 2003
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person: hi rikki
by Rikki December 26, 2003
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a usually blonde very hott girl. whos very nice and likes to have fun
dang, lets party with rikki
by dgftrtrn February 24, 2009
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