Just following sexual intercourse you must proceed to ejaculate on your partners back. Using your fingers to smear the cum out into a thin layer. Allow to dry overnight, and upon waking in the morning force your partner to eat it.
I hear your mom loves my home-made potato chips!
by CellarDoor5656 February 11, 2006
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Noun: See crunchy and salty in regards to the second definition.
Definition one- A delicious snack consisting of thinly sliced potatos, oil, and salt, cooked to a crisp, and enjoyed by fat Americans everywhere.
Definition two- A person who is both salty and crunchy. They have a feeling of discontent or otherwise, and feel as though they have done too much cocaine.
"Dude John is such a potato chip. I can't even handle him right now"
by Kneegrodamus October 17, 2013
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Your boredom level increases
hi im the person that typed in potato chips to see what would pop out
by dyjdsrhyhthnfsstnh March 7, 2018
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A cowboy hat. refers to the curviture of the hat which resembles a potato chip.
The dance hall was filled with nothing but hayseeds wearing potato chips.
by knastyknate February 22, 2004
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Fingering a girl in a moving car, after done putting your hand out the window for drying, then indulging.
while on a road trip to california i was fingering kristy, when i was done i stuck my hand out the window once her juices dried up i peeled it off and ate it, hence the potato chip
by Fred the babykiller June 12, 2008
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A bent bicycle wheel. (Resembles a potato chip.)
Chad hit the dirt, but after he regained conciousness, he realized he turned his $400 wheels into potato chips. He then sat in a corner and cried.
by Sonnybobiche February 24, 2004
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