A front butt. They are predominant in older, skinny women. Often compared to the FUPA, peebs are often accompanied by the Camel Toe (most distrubing when seen through thick, stoned-washed jeans).
Dude, your mom's peeb really brings out the camel toe in those sweet ass sweats.
by Casey Williams October 1, 2006
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that girl is so hot i would totally give her a peeb
by juiceboxhero1234321 May 23, 2011
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It's like pee but I added a B
by ZodiacSauce June 9, 2019
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Any chav with the initials of P.B.
"OMG look at peebs new burberry hat!"

"Init peebs?"

"Hey peebs wanna play iSketch and code a wp theme?"

"Peebs is da best coder eVaR...too bad he listens to techno and uses moisturiZer :("
by zanzabaaaa January 8, 2009
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A swift yet harmless whack to the top of someone's head using the "karate chop" hand formation. Performed when the perpetrator has said something retarded or made an ass or themseleves in any way. Must be accompanied by the word "peeb" at all times.
Punishment by law for asking a question that stupid is 20 peebs...I'm sorry m'am, it's the law.
by Clutterbuck December 23, 2003
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hip alternative term for the Pi Beta Phi sorority house
just hanging with my sister frans at the peebs.
by ohhheybecs February 18, 2011
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