The best gaming convention/festival in the world.

In 2004 Gabe and Tycho of wanted to attend a con that had equal parts tabletop gaming, computer gaming, and video gaming--and that wasn't just a big marketing event for some lame corporation. They didn't find any, so they decided to make their own.

Thus was the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) born. The first show drew over 4,000 gamers from all over the world to bear witness to 48 hours of nonstop gaming, four nerdcore concerts by the likes of Optimus Rhyme and MC Frontalot, the world public playable premier of Halo 2, and the 2-day multigenre $25,000 Omegathon tournament (which culminated in a final match of: Pong).
"Essentially, Tycho and I wanted to throw a big-ass two day party for gamers, and everyone’s invited."--Gabe

“I did have to take 3 days off work and spend more money then I usually do, so I have like, 6 bucks in my checking account at the moment… and my next paycheck will be small and mostly go to car insurance... But goddamn it was worth it.”--Forum post

"Did anyone else notice that everyone you passed at PAX looked vaguely familiar? Like we all have a sort
of “geek” look to us and therefore recognize our own kind? It was strange and comforting at the same
time.”--Forum post
by PAXer March 31, 2005
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Pax means peace in Latin. It is often used as a name. He is the kind of boy that simultaneously breaks one's heart and awakens it. He is full of wrathful reverence that startles one's soul as one ineffectively stands near. He is a conundrum. One who is many things at once without being one thing at all and to simply label him would be an injustice. He is best told about in story form, because descriptive terms merely make him seem even more abstract. However, if one word must be chosen, it is "contrast;" he is a contrast in every way. More grey than any man, yet more black and white than the universe should ever allow. Both good in deed and wicked in heart, he is overcoming his wrongs while he is righting them. However, he stumbles in his same past grievances, and he is calloused when it comes to emotion. He might never let you know he cares. He might never care at all, but he is honest. He is the most honest person you will ever know, and he will tell you things you don't want to hear, but know that you need to hear them. He loves truth, and his love of truth will make him a ready match for the wits of any man. Lastly, never need him; he will never let himself need you in return. While he may love deeper than any other, you will never know, because he can never choose you, and he will die alone.
Pax is what we need.
Pax if possible, truth at all costs.
by gratiaetpacem November 16, 2010
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fighting-age males, in Army slang.
"We've seen about ten pax --fighting-age males-- moving from Karingal to Loy Kalay and back" (Sebastian Junger, "War", Twelve-Hachette, 2010, p. 206)
by paxirioni October 6, 2010
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What posh English kids (especially at boarding schools) say to each other when they want to stop fighting.
The Latin equivalent to present term mercy.
Often referenced in "The Famous Five" by Enid Blyton.
Julian: "What say you Dick we have a little tussle to see who get's the last cucumber sandwich?"
Dick: "Come on then old chap!"
(They tussle)
Dick: "Pax! Oh I say you win Julian"
Julian: "Oh terrific. I'll race you back to Aunt Fanny's!"
by Sabbotage Goldberg May 20, 2006
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He was so stoned after Paxing in the basement for an hour.
by Kayko January 5, 2015
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A website,where ugly girls are overated.A site,where men cant seem to keep their shirt on.Finally,a website for fat people and,social rejects.
Dblock_Chyc is a average looking girl.But, she’s rated top ten, then making her seem overated.Fat_Back, a "big boned girl, that socialized on the internet, seeing has she would be socially rejected by her horrendous looks.Poetik, every overweight virgin girl’s dream, althought most of the forums made in paxed are usually responded by other males, this guy seems to always make people question his sexuality by posting half naked pictures in a mostly male replied thread.
by BlameUrParents April 8, 2005
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A tablet to be kissed. The primitive usage in the Church was for the "holy kiss" to be given promiscuously. Later men of the laity saluted men with the kiss, while women kissed women. This latter manner of giving the peace among the laity seems to have been maintained till the thirteenth century, when a substitute for the actual kiss was introduced in the shape of a small wooden tablet, or plate of metal bearing an image of the Blessed Virgin, of the titular of the church, or other saint, or more frequently of the crucifixion. The earliest notice of these instruments is in the records of English councils of the thirteenth century. This departure from the prevailing usage is attributed by Cardinal Bona to the Franciscans. Kissed by the celebrant and cleansed with a linen cloth, the tablet or plate was carried to others to be likewise kissed by them. This ceremony stills obtains in low masses, when the peace is thus given to prelates and princes, not to others except in rare cases established by custom. The acolyte or server kneeling at the right of the celebrant presents the tablet. The celebrant kissing it says: "Pax tecum"; the server answers: "Et cum spiritu tuo". The server then carries the instrument in turn to those who are to receive the peace, saying to each: "Pax tecum"; each responds, "Et cum spiritu tuo", and then genuflects.
Pax vobiscum, domine vobiscum. Et cum spiritu tuo.
by Adian October 18, 2004
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