He has the biggest dick in the world and hates monkeys
He is an absolute legend, don't mess with Nathaniel because he'll slap you with his cock
by nat123$ November 26, 2021
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A male of superiority, wits and killer good-looks. Most Nathaniel's will be on the sweet side, mostly joking his way through things, and genuinely an amazing guy to be around. Nathaniel's usually have a gravitational personality, drawing you closer to them. This is a good, and bad thing; because while having their awestruck personality, they can be addictive, and you can get attached too easily, too fast.
Girl 1: Oh, wow... That guy is so cute! I wonder if he's interested..
Girl 2: He's a Nathaniel, and you're falling for him fast. So typical.
by isatS April 10, 2013
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Nathaniel is the type of guy that you wouldn't want to slip away. He's loving and caring. He will accept you for who you are. Nathaniel will show up when no one else does. He will stay up for you, when everyone else is against you. He will make you want to fall in love with him. Nathaniel is the type of guy that makes sure your okay while he's hurting. He always wants to see you happen. His girlfriends happieness makes his day. He always says the sweetest things. He's not one to argue with, cause he's not having it. He stands up for what he believes in. Nathaniel will not give up on you. He is an incredibly smart man. When he talks you have know choice but to listen. He is a handsome man that knows what we wants, and how to get it. He can drive a woman crazy without even trying. Nathaniel Is the type of man you marry and grow old with.
GIRL: I can't wait to see my man Nathaniel today.
GIRL: I wish I had a man like yours.
by ikeepitwarm June 10, 2013
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He loves his iPad and Infinity Guantlet
Nathaniel lives for his iPad
by iPad January 18, 2019
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Nathaniel is the type of person you meet once in a life time. He is beyond perfect, he’s that one guy that once you start crushing on him, it’s hard to stop. He’s always making sure all of the people he cares about are happy. Although at times he’s a bit hard to understand, he always ends up coming around. Once he’s dedicated, he’s dedicated. His crystal blue eyes make you fall instantly for him. He is the type of guy you can talk to whenever you need someone. If you need to speak to him in person, he will do ever possible to see you. And his hugs, his hugs are the most addicting thing in the world. Not to start with his smile because that smile is the one that drives you crazy. Your the most luckiest girl in the world if a nathaniel starts talking about a future with you, that means he’s dedicated and wants to spend the rest of his life with you. Im just saying. If you have nathaniel. Don’t let him go :)
Girl: omg I wish I had someone like nathaniel
His girlfriend: yeah you wish, nathaniel is mine :)
by idk girl idk February 20, 2019
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The God amoung us mortals, there is no one more omnipotently godlike than a Nathaniel. No matter what race he is his divine light will shine and brighten your day with just a glance of his smile. It doesn't matter how Athletic, Intellegent, Talented, unique, ect you are because a Nathaniel is always greater than you. And even though a Nathaniel could choose to not waste his time with such worthless averages like you, he chooses to be the most friendly person around and will always make your day better no matter what has happened to you.
I wish I could be as perfect and angelic as Nathaniel!
by The Simon July 4, 2022
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A caring, loyal guy. He tries to be helpful to all and has a great charisma. He is fierce and protective when it comes to those he loves. He is a kind, intelligent, lovable guy (and at times very romantic and cute) He sometimes feels guilty for things that aren't his fault. With his looks and his smarts, Nathaniel is a force to be reckon with. He isn't aware of his feelings most of the time or is scare to voice it, but give him time he will surely come around to it. At times he is sensitive and shy but that only happens when he is uncomfortable. He is a great, smart, loving, caring person that deserves a whole bucket full of happiness. Whether he wants it or not. He just sometimes needs a push in a direction to get him moving. He is capable of love and relationships. He is a great friend/lover to simply talk to and enjoy hanging out!
Boy 1: Yo did you see who got the highest marks?

Boy 2: I did! It was Nathaniel, man.

Girl: Ohmigod, he's cute and smart! I wonder if he will ever look my way.
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