megamind is aka emily deAS. Megamind is usually something to describe someone who has a big forehead.
emily is megamind

look! that’s megamind!!
by lovelotsxx March 9, 2021
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His name is probally david M and he has a big ass head
Dam u see that david m right there hes a megamind
by rayytriggaa November 8, 2019
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His name is usually david marino
U see that david right there hes a MegaMind
by rayytriggaa November 8, 2019
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person 1: lol that nigga head big af !!!
person 2: hahaha megamind nigga lookin ass :PPPP xd
by maiqcol July 23, 2018
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The Creatine-Megamind Paradox as a well known theory which states that Megamind snorted creatine as a child making his brain grow which gives his head his distinguished look.
Yooo why is Megaminds head so huge bro?

Haven’t you heard of the Creatine-Megamind Paradox dude!?!
by Woocon June 3, 2022
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When someone is very intelligent and thinks of the most evil ways to solve a scenario.
Jack has that Megamind Mentality. He drove through a populated campsite just to shave 5 minutes off his trip to Grandma's house
by Charnime October 25, 2023
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its what year seven boys get, and if you have no bitches your name probably starts with k or j
carla:omg is that jensen and koby?
megamind: no bitches?

it means you have small pp
by megamindgetsbitches April 1, 2022
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