A place where they used to sell good food but now the hamburgers dont even look like the ones in the commercial and are now overrun by employed Mexicans.
person #1: so wat u wanna eat today?

person #2: ummm Mc Donalds!!!

person #1: Hell Noooo...

awkward silence....

person #2: Chipotle??

person #1: Now your talkin
by Kibbylaflare January 16, 2010
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was at first to be named Mc take-your-money but was not catchy enough.where fast food slows you down.
i could use another ten happy meals right now from mc donalds
by katrid December 2, 2005
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A large,popular and well known company with a great popular appeal dispite substandard and/or declining quality of their main product.
Starbucks has been referred to by many purist as the Mc Donalds of coffee.
by Jip March 12, 2004
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A so called fast food restaurant where the menu mostly consists of Mc cum-in sandwich, Mc flies, Big spat and Mc chicken bogies.(Food prepared by the losest of the hobos mostly picked off the street. All enjoy a good wank during working hours.)
The mayonaise on my Mc Chicken Sandwhich is never the same as my mayonaise at home.......Mc Donalds must be using a secret ingredient or something, oooh i'm lovin it.
by Bobby fadge October 5, 2006
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A fast-food chain that sells compressed Dead cow menuar. Mc Donalds is neutorious for their Ice cream machine to be broken but either way that isn't a problem cuz their ice cream is made with Rotten Cow Milk and A broken freezer.
"Mommy can we go to Mc Donalds?"
by regaljeg April 17, 2019
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