Maeve is a very beautiful. She is so humble and always happy. Anyone would be lucky to be friend's with her as she spreads love to everyone. You can 100% trust her and you do not have to worry about her telling your secrets to anyone. Her eyes enchant you and even though she does not know it all the guys are drooling at her feet. She is very family orientated and will give it her best always; and plus has great fashion and beautiful long hair. She lets you be yourself without judgement. Maeve is an original personality that you will find no where else.
Maeve is a one in a kind you may never find anyone just like her.
by Lil Arcy Day March 16, 2019
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One who is always using words such as awesome, gangster, and ninja, because that is what they are. Also known as wonderful, pretty, hot, amazing, and outstanding
"That girl is such a Maeve" "You know it! She is sooo hot!"
by chessal April 12, 2010
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awsum 2 communicate with, and is stunningly beautiful
That chik is a maeve
Answer: Wow, she is 1 fukn awsum chik
by Chr!$ August 26, 2008
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Maeve is a smart, beautiful, athletic and kind girl. She loves her friends and is very protective. If you Make her mad it won’t end up well. She loves to play sports and is like a ninja, fast and swervey plus she adores animals. All guys want to meet her and is popularamong them. She will choose her friends over a guy and wishs for a perfect relationship. She knows what she is doing. She won’t go into something blind. She can show you how she feels with one glance at you. Her eyes tell you everything and you can stare at them forever. She has her eye on one guy and one guy only. Others will try but she is only looking for one.
“Damn Maeve is always ignores me no matter what”
“Sorry but I think she has it out for Derek
Ugh why?!”
by 07_07_07 March 2, 2019
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A hot,amazing and loyal girl that will help you no matter what. Plays lacrosse and is tall with blond hair and blue eyes. Very smart and the guys love her.
Will: did you see Maeve today!
Jack: yeah she is mighty fineeeeee
by Anybody lol June 1, 2019
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