Lindy is a English girl name. It derives from a Spanish
name which means 'beautiful'. Lindy's are sweet, attractive, out-going, very talented, kind, down-to-earth. They love to have fun.
My heart belongs to Lindy

The most amazing girl i've met in my entire life is Lindy
by b0yinl0ve January 10, 2012
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Shortened name for Lindy Hop, the mother of all swing dances. The name comes from a 1927 news headline which proclaimed "Lindy Hops the Atlantic" with reference to Charles Lindbergh's legendary flight.

The dance is between partners, one leader and one follower, typically a man and woman. The choreography is improvised on the fly by the lead, who guides the follow through turns, pushes, and other steps.

The timing is based on four-count blocks, and is typically danced to big-band swing music.
Hey baby, wanna Lindy?
by Mike April 11, 2006
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A gorgeous woman. Usually blonde. A super sweet person. talented artist.
"Lindy is so pretty"
"We should all go hang out with Lindy"
"She is so Lindy"
by lovalindy February 4, 2010
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Lindy: Name of a person who is slightly shy but shouldn't be because she is so awesome. Super funny, is way more beautiful than she realizes, and everyone would love her if she'd let them. IE: A girl who is too modest and would have plenty of friends if she'd open herself up.
"She is so modest and gorgeous too! A total Lindy!"
by I Found Nemo January 21, 2013
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She is a girl who i see everyday in the classroom. She so sweet and kind. She so innocent when she look up on tall people. When i say something to her i feel embarrassed but it seem she misunderstand my intention to her. What else could i say i guess i fell for her from the start when i saw her smiling
"Hey Lindy, would you go out with me?" i wish i could say that to her
by NEW4ever September 7, 2011
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A girl that is normally blonde,and they act like it too. They are very smart and love to learn. Everyone tells them that they are pretty but they don't believe it. Lindy's have a weird sense of humor that sometimes can be scary. Over all Lindy's are great people and you should get to know one because they are awesome!!
hawt nice pretty athletic smart lindy
by Pinkpoprock February 27, 2014
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Adj. Something that is expected to have a long lifespan by virtue of having existed for a long time, based on the lindy effect, named for the New York restaurant Lindy's, coined by Albert Goldman and popularized by Nassim Taleb.
cooking with fire is lindy
by mmebs June 14, 2021
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